The Green River Watershed Alliance (GRWA) joined the Green River Village Preservation Trust (GRVPT) to host Green River Day, an event open to the community, on Sunday August 18, 2019. The day began with a potluck picnic on the lawn adjacent to the river overlooking the Green River Crib Dam and Covered Bridge. The picnic was followed by a choice of activities led by GRWA and GRVPT members. These included a presentation on the history of the crib dam, covered bridge, and fish ladder; a walking tour of Green River Village: and a guided walk down “Sheppie’s Meadow”, the conserved land south of the village, and a visit to the beaver meadows upstream.
GRVPT is a local non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of historic resources in or near the village of Green River in Guilford, Vermont. These include the historic Green River Crib Dam and Mill Pond, the Green River Church, and the surrounding land. They have hosted biannual summer picnics for many years. This was the first year that GRWA joined in the picnic planning and activities.
Photos curtesy of Perigrine Productions